We’re always looking out for fun and simple family garden  projects — last  season we wrote about a fun Fall project centered on planting bulbs for Spring.   Now you and your family can start your herb and vegetable garden indoors!  Yes, starting cool season seeds indoors is a great project for the whole family.   

Cool Season Seeds Indoors

Cool season herbs and vegetables can be started from seeds indoors over the next two weeks for planting outside in April and May.  Each member of the family can be in charge of two or three vegetables/herbs, with an assigned space in the yard.  Seeds you can grow indoors right now include lettuce, spinach, arugula, endive, onions and leeks.  A second project for next month can include planting peas, radishes, and carrots, which should be sown directly into the soil in mid-to-late March. When Spring and Summer arrive, each family member can share herbs and veggies from their spot in the garden, and experience that wonderful sense of pride that goes hand in hand with gardening.