Maintaing Grass During a Heat Wave
Here at Garden Wise, we’re all about reducing lawn areas by half. Not eliminating lawns, but reducing them. It’s a great way to make your landscape more “green” and productive. Maintaining the remaining turf in your landscape at the height of the summer heat is crucial to the life of your lawn. Keep your grass longer in length in the blazing heat by raising the cutting height of your lawnmower an additional 1-2 inches. This will help your grass survive drought and heat as tall grass will shade the soil, reduce weeds and the effects of evaporation.
Water your lawn areas in the morning before the heat sets in, and if your grass is dry, Do Not Mow Your Turf until after it’s been watered, or until after it rains. Mowing a dry lawn will further stress the grass and expose it to the drying effects of the hot summer sun.