Add Winter Garden Interest

Winter is coming and for those of us who plant multi-seasonal gardens, the garden show continues with some of our favorites about to take center stage.   If you find yourself in the need of a new blast of color this year, there are some easy ways to do so that won’t break the bank.

Introduce new shrubs that will add colorful stems to your landscape. One of my favorites is the Yellow Twig Dogwood for its display of the most beautiful shade of gold in winter.

Display colorful containers.  Add additional winter interest in unique and eye-catching containers in garden areas that may look barren during winter.  Also add colorful containers in strategic areas that will enhance your winter landscape views from your home.

Add Garden Accents.  While one of my favorite garden accents is a nice colorful shrub, think about adding a plant with colorful berries, such as Nandina.  A metal sculpture, such as the penguin we sent to my in-laws in Los Angeles,  can introduce some whimsical fun, while adding a new focal point.
