Help Your Garden Survive Winter

As cold fronts start to roll through, don’t turn your back on your garden!  Our gardens are to be used and enjoyed year round, and you can take pleasure in  your landscape and its healthy plants and various bright colors during all parts of the year.

Colder weather causes the water inside the plant to freeze, which ruptures cell walls and causes the plants to die. When this happens, it’s too late to save your plant. The trick is to stop the freezing of your plants before it starts, no matter what kind of plants you have.

The most important  thing you can do to give your plants the best chance of making it through a cold snap is to mulch your garden now.  Mulching will allow for moisture to be held in the plant’s roots while protecting and insulating the root system from sudden changes and bursts of cold weather.

An added bonus?  The mulch will decompose and add vital nutirients to the soil, feeding your plants during the winter.
