September Gardening List : Day 2

This weekend it’s all about September Gardening.  There are so many things to do this month that we’ve decided to make it a three day event.  Today, it’s all about pruning, soil testing and fertilizer! 


· Take soil test for new planting areas.  DO NOT pay others to do this for you; Ph soil test kits which provide accurate results can be picked up at your local garden center.

· Now is the time to fertilize your grasses according to the soil samples.  Do not fertilize warm season grasses.


· Rejuvenate heat-stressed geraniums and begonias for the fall season by lightly pruning, fertilizing and watering.

· Do not cut back perennials until their leaves and stems have lost all green color.

· Prune out dead or diseased wood from trees and shrubs. Hold off on major pruning until mid-winter. Pruning now may stimulate tender new growth prior to frost.

· Take it Indoors and Prune houseplants that grew vigorously during the summer while outdoors.
