Thinking Fall in August is GardenWise

Plan Now for Your Fall Veggie Garden

As we approach mid-August, it’s time to start thinking about whether you want a Fall Veggie garden. If you’ve recently reduced a lawn area, a veggie garden is the perfect replacement that will make your landscape more productive.

The following crops have a 60-day maturity date, so you have until mid-August to plant: Root veggies include Carrots, Leeks, and Turnips and Leafy crops include Cabbages, Cauliflower and Collards.

If you miss your mid-August deadline, go ahead and think about veggies that have a 30-day maturity date, which include Chives, Bunching Onions and Radishes while leafy veggies include Broccoli, Spinich, Mustard and Leaf Lettuces.

If you’re space challenged, always remember you can plant a couple of containers of veggies. You’ll love your fall container rewards!
