I design our gardens with multi-seasonal interest, which is very important since we experience all the seasons here in the DC-area. Creating a garden that will display great visual appeal each month of the year is GardenWise’s goal, so I was excited when I read this story in The English Garden called ‘A Plan for All Seasons’ and wanted to share this multi-seasonal garden in action.

“Clockwise from Top left – In winter, grasses such as Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ and stipa, and the yew tower give height and form; red tulip ‘Queen of Sheba’ nectaroscordum and ruby Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fern Cottage’ at the far end; alliums and Gladiolus communis subsp. byzantinus in late spring/early summer; in late summer and autumn the bed is packed with blue Eryngium bourgatii ‘Picos Blue’, veronicastrum, yellow hemerocallis and notable Kniphfia ‘Timothy’ and K. ‘Tawny King’. “