Gardenwise On Winter Garden Activities

The snows piles high,  frigid weather wraps stealthily around us, and your garden must sleep through the bombard- ment of winter.

But our work is never done.  Here’s a short list of what you can do right now to repair show  damaged gardens, and prepare your garden for the post-winter months:

• After wet snow or high wind, check for broken branches and cut them off to prevent further tearing of bark.  And remember to sharpen your tools before using!  Sharp tools make cutting easier and they’re less apt to tear at the at the bark when cuts are made.

• If possible, drain any garden puddles that stand more than a few hours. Do not walk on garden soil when soggy, and  avoid walking on water-saturated lawns.

• Check mulch for disturbance by squirrels & birds, and repair as needed.

• Make notes of possible garden improvements, additions, or even deletions as you walk around the garden.  Contemplate what you will need for these improvements and make a schedule for the spring.

See more winter landscape images