Our tips & advice to keep your garden beautiful!

Gardenwise on Icicle Pansies and Violas

Move over Mums! Now you can have garden beauty in late fall and early spring from spectacular ICICLE Pansies and Icicle Violas. Icicle pansies and violas are selected for their ability to overwinter when planted in the fall. Bred for cold climates, this tough new breed is guaranteed to survive the harshest winters, wherever they are [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:37:58-04:00January 16th, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Gardenwise on Icicle Pansies and Violas

Larkspur is a Late Spring Garden Beauty

Larkspur - A Late Spring Bloomer If you didn't sow Larkspur seed in October for flowering in late spring 2013, no worries.  You can buy the plants at your local gardening center.  Larkspur (Delphinium consolida,) which symbolizes an open heart, tends to be a bit fussy, and I've not had much luck in the DC-area.  But if you have [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:01-04:00January 14th, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Larkspur is a Late Spring Garden Beauty

DC Winters Are GardenWise

  Don't let the January thaw fool you. Winter is far from over even here in the Mid-Atlantic, but winter shouldn't keep you from thinking about your garden. These warmer days that will soon become cold unpredictable days are great for planning; mulling over plant catalogs and books looking for new and unusual plants to add to your [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:06-04:00January 13th, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on DC Winters Are GardenWise

“Organic” is Easily Achieved

Don't Be Intimidated By "Organic" It's time to demystify the word  "organic" because it's 2013, and growing organic produce and  transforming a garden space into an "organic" garden is easily achieved.   When gardeners and other folks refer to organic produce or organically grown veggies and fruit, they're describing items grown in a garden space that has replaced pesticides with natural substitutes, and building soil life [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:12-04:00January 9th, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on “Organic” is Easily Achieved

GardenWise on Repairing Snow Damaged Landscape

GardenWise on Snow Damaged Gardens As the snow falls, I think about the long term effect it will have on so many gardens.  I see people burying beds in their front yards with piles of snow laced with salt, and  homeowners  salting their gardens on the local news.  I cringe each time I see it.  Put down the salt! and check out some tips [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:16-04:00January 7th, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on GardenWise on Repairing Snow Damaged Landscape

The Solution is…Containers!

You've planned your landscape, spent months choosing your plantings, and something doesn't take.  What to do? A bare area in a garden space can be fixed by dropping in a pot of blooms, fruits or vegetables.  Pots allow for a more fluid and adaptable gardenspace, making it easy to change to seasonal needs and aesthetic choices. You can place potted plants in places [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:19-04:00January 3rd, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on The Solution is…Containers!

Phlox ‘Miss Lingard’ is GardenWise

Phlox 'Miss Lingard' is a  GardenWise  July  favorite!  With a spectacular clump-forming habit, 'Miss Lingard' has spikes of sweetly-scented, refined pure white flowers that are   disease resistant, so you won't have to deal with that powdery mildew mess you sometimes get with other types of Phlox. Phlox comes from the Greek for "plant with showy flowers" and "flame,"  and 'Miss Lingard' delivers with a gorgeous eye-catching [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:20-04:00January 2nd, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Phlox ‘Miss Lingard’ is GardenWise

Plants that Survive in Clay Heavy Soil are GardenWise

A favorite part of my job that I enjoy very much is  landscaping -- figuring out which plants will work best in a particular garden, based on amount of light, soil type, water availability, and many other factors.  I work a lot in Northern Virginia, an area which is notorious for clay heavy soil.  I've been working with this [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:27-04:00January 1st, 2013|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Plants that Survive in Clay Heavy Soil are GardenWise

Intimate Indoor/Outdoor Garden Living

Ease of movement and flow are essential when connecting your indoor and outdoor spaces.  This can easily be achieved, especially in an older home, with a few inexpensive additions.  Changing a door style from solid to french, and adding a few wooden stairs, will create the connection between the two spaces.  Create areas in your outdoor space for entertaining, as well  quiet conversation. Here are before and [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:31-04:00December 27th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Intimate Indoor/Outdoor Garden Living