Our tips & advice to keep your garden beautiful!

Bring ‘Em In for Winter!

GardenWise on Winter Plant Rooms When you bring your plants inside this year, which you should do with all containers and pots, remember that you can actually save money on fuel costs by turning down the heat in a room set aside for winterizing plants. Plants will flourish in bright rooms with nighttime temps as low as 60 degrees.  [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:37-04:00December 25th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Bring ‘Em In for Winter!

Pick ‘Em Up!

It's really important to remove the leaves from your lawn -- if they're left on the ground they'll  deprive your lawn of important sunlight and rain that's going to help it through the winter months. A reader mentioned mowing them, which is a great idea.  Just be sure to get them up!  Also, if leaves are left on [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:43-04:00December 20th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Pick ‘Em Up!

Cold Weather Gardening

Help Your Garden Survive Winter As cold fronts start to roll through, don't turn your back on your garden!  Our gardens are to be used and enjoyed year round, and you can take pleasure in  your landscape and its healthy plants and various bright colors during all parts of the year. Colder weather causes the water inside the plant to freeze, which ruptures cell walls and causes [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:44-04:00December 15th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Cold Weather Gardening

Look Ahead to Fall Day 3

Dwarf Burning Bush is GardenWise This week, GardenWise is looking forward with our five favorite  Garden Delights, in no particular order, for Fall 2012.  Yesterday we marveled at the Toad Lily, and Monday we fell in love all over again with Pink Muhly Grass.  Today is day  three of our series, and we're showing off the Dwarf Burning [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:48-04:00September 20th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Look Ahead to Fall Day 3

Look Ahead to Fall Day 1

Pink Muhly Grass For the next week,   GardenWise is looking forward with our five favorite Garden Delights,     in no particular order, for Fall 2011. Today it's all about one of my favorite Fall show stoppers -- Pink Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaries.)  It reaches about four feet high and three feet wide, with a nicely cascading, fountainous habit of cloud-like foliage.  It also has   [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:38:54-04:00September 19th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Look Ahead to Fall Day 1

It’s Organic and it’s Green

Sustainable Residential Landscape Architecture Plants play a very important role in a healthy ecosystem. They reduce  pollutants,  oxygenate the atmosphere,  and are important to overall human health.  By using a comprehensive approach to sustainable  landscape  design, Sustainable Residential Landscape Architecture (SRLA) practices can improve water and energy efficiency while using  plants to eliminate chemical fertilizers, produce food, and clean the air. Homeowners can use plants [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:39:05-04:00August 29th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on It’s Organic and it’s Green

Thinking Fall in August is GardenWise

Plan Now for Your Fall Veggie Garden As we approach mid-August, it's time to start thinking about whether you want a Fall Veggie garden. If you've recently reduced a lawn area, a veggie garden is the perfect replacement that will make your landscape more productive. The following crops have a 60-day maturity date, so you [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:39:12-04:00August 6th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Thinking Fall in August is GardenWise

Cozy GardenWise Landscapes

Staying Ahead of the Curve Cozy cocoons, rooftop gardens, organic treatments and other trends By: Dennis McCafferty In this economy, any edge will help a landscaping business. The best way to maintain an edge is to stay on top of developing trends that could expand your customer offerings, thus increasing sales opportunities. Here are five trends to watch [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:39:15-04:00July 26th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Cozy GardenWise Landscapes

Outside Entertainment Areas are GardenWise

Many homeowners over the years have asked us to transform their outside spaces into cozy and intimate areas to gather with family and friends.    It became more of a trend beginning in 2008 as the uncertain economy  prompted  folks to spend more time at home.  I call these small, safe, and intimate areas cocoon spaces and in addition to giving homeowners an inspiring new garden area to escape [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:39:17-04:00July 16th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Outside Entertainment Areas are GardenWise

When Water, Water Isn’t Everywhere

Watering in the Heat It's important to keep your trees and shrubs properly watered in extreme heat, especially if rain storms aren't rolling through your area. Heat waves cause damage, so take the time now to give your trees and shrubs a healthy life for years to come. Birch trees and other trees native to [...]

By |2017-10-11T11:39:19-04:00July 13th, 2012|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on When Water, Water Isn’t Everywhere